Client Assistance Program (CAP)

Home / Client Assistance Program (CAP)


What is the Client Assistance Program (CAP)?

Client Assistance Program or CAP helps persons seeking information, applying for services, or receiving services from a Center for Independent Living (CIL) or vocational rehabilitation (VR) services from the Department of Aging and Rehabilitative Services (DARS) or the Department of Blind and Vision Impaired (DBVI).

The disAbility Law Center of Virginia administers CAP.


What are my rights?

  • To have a voice in planning in your VR or IL services
  • To receive timely decisions on your request for services
  • To be notified in writing if you are denied a service or if your case is closed
  • To be given the opportunity to request reconsideration or appeal a decision
  • To be notified that assistance is available from CAP through dLCV

How can dLCV help?

  • Answer questions and explain your rights regarding the vocational rehabilitation process and independent living
  • Help you work through your concerns with your counselor
  • Provide information about other services for which you may qualify
  • Potentially represent your legal interests in negotiations or fair hearings

Contact dLCV if you have problems relating to:

  • The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
  • The Rehabilitation Act
  • The Virginians with Disabilities Act
  • Other state and federal disability-related laws and regulations

Helpful Links


  • JAN – Job Accommodation Network – A source of free, expert, and confidential guidance on workplace accommodations and disability employment issues.
  • Virginia Department for Aging and Rehabilitative Services (DARS) – DARS provides and advocates for resources and services to improve the employment, quality of life, security, and independence of older Virginians, Virginians with disabilities, and their families.
  • Department for the Blind and Vision Impaired (DBVI) – DBVI is an agency of the Commonwealth of Virginia that is dedicated to its mission of providing services and resources which empower Virginians who are blind, vision impaired or deafblind to achieve their desired levels of employment, education, and personal independence. 


  • 2-1-1  Virginia’s community services helpline.  2-1-1 VIRGINIA provides access to services in your community and statewide. All referrals are confidential and you can search for these same services on this 2-1-1 VIRGINIA Web site.  You may reach them by dialing 211 from any phone.

Links and associated content are provided for informational purposes only. They do not necessarily constitute an endorsement or an approval by dLCV of the information, services, opinions, or products of the individuals or organizations.


Ask the Expert: Vocational Rehabilitation Rights and Services

Sometimes disability programs and rights can be hard to figure out.  Have you ever just wanted to ask some basic questions, and know that you are getting the correct answers?  Have you ever wanted to ask an expert?

Today you can ask an expert about Vocational Rehabilitation Rights and Services.  What are my rights?  What services are available?  How do I get help?  Watch and learn!

You Have a Right to Vocational Rehabilitation Services

dLCV’s Client Assistance Program (CAP) helps individuals with disabilities to ensure they receive adequate Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) services from either the Department for Aging and Rehabilitative Services, (DARS) or the Department for the Blind and Vision Impaired (DBVI). Watch this video to learn more about CAP and how to get VR services.