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Request dLCV Services

You can request assistance for yourself or another person with a disability by completing the form below.  You can also contact us on Mondays, Wednesdays, or Fridays from 8:30am-4:00pm by calling 1-800-552-3962 (toll-free) or 804-225-2042. If you don’t speak English, we have access to a “language line” that helps us communicate with you in your own language.

If you want to report an issue or situation that does not directly affect you or another individual you know, but does affect the rights of individuals with disabilities in general, please send an e-mail summarizing those concerns to

Important Information

Please review Our Current Fiscal Year Goals and Focus Areas and Access Resources and Information before submitting a request for services.

Our Current Fiscal Year Goals and Focus Areas are the guidelines by which dLCV determines what issues we work on and the level of service provided.  Remember that each case is unique, and dLCV seeks to provide all individuals who request assistance with legal information, referral to other resources, or advocacy services.

We can only provide assistance with issues that fall within our Strategic Goals and Focus Areas so that people with disabilities, with the exception this year of Goal 2 and 6:

  1. Are Free from Harm in Adult Institutions
  2. Receive an Appropriate Education – Note that Goal 2 is on hold in FY 25 due to limited resources. Please click here for information and referral
  3. Have Appropriate Access to Government Services
  4. Live in the Most Appropriate Integrated Environment
  5. Are Employed to their Maximum Potential
  6. Have Equal Access to Appropriate and Necessary Healthcare – Note that Goal 6 is on hold in FY 25 due to limited resources. Please click here for information and referral
  7. Become Better Self-Advocates through Education and Training

These are the guidelines by which dLCV determines what issues we work on and the level of service provided.  Remember that each case is unique, and dLCV seeks to provide all individuals who request assistance with legal information, referral to other resources, or advocacy services.

Submitting your online request

Complete this online request for services form and click Submit when you are finished.  A dLCV staff member will contact you within approximately 3 business days.  dLCV requests information relating to your problem or questions to help us understand your concerns and determine how we can help.  dLCV is also required by our federal partners to collect information for statistical reporting purposes.

*Indicates a required field

Please note that the disability Law Center of Virginia CANNOT provide direct assistance with:

  • Financial assistance including bill or debt payment issues
  • Divorce, custody, support, and other family law matters, except in unusual circumstances or when serious systemic issues are involved
  • Drafting of wills, trusts, and estate planning
  • Representation in criminal proceedings
  • Workers’ Compensation; issues related to collective bargaining agreements; unemployment compensation
  • Social Security applications
  • Product liability cases
  • Bankruptcy matters
  • Consumer protection issues
  • Tax issues
  • Pension, ERISA issues
  • Property or landlord/tenant disputes
I have reviewed the list above of issues the disAbility Law Center of Virginia CANNOT provide direct assistance with(Required)

Tell us about you.

Your Full Name(Required)
What is the best way to contact you?(Required)

Tell us about the person who needs our help.

Sexual Orientation
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Have you or the individual with a disability contacted dLCV before?(Required)
My problem/question involves:
Is the individual requesting services a beneficiary of Social Security?(Required)

Reason you are contacting dLCV

Is there an attorney or advocate assisting you with your problem/question?


How Did You Hear About the disAbility Law Center of Virginia?
I understand that dLCV does not represent me on any issues related to this request for services. I understand that submission and review of this request for services does not create an attorney-client relationship with dLCV. I understand that any decision by dLCV to provide advocacy services must be agreed to in writing and signed by all parties before any services will be provided.(Required)
This field is hidden when viewing the form

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

There is no cost for any dLCV services. Remember that each issue is unique

Due to limited resources, it is not possible for dLCV to provide legal services or direct representation to everyone who calls for assistance. 

We seek to make the most impact that we can with limited resources.  dLCV provides several levels of support and assistance.  However, we believe that people with disabilities are their own best advocates.  Therefore, dLCV may provide you with information, written materials or limited technical assistance that will assist you in speaking for yourself. We will also refer you to other agencies or resources when appropriate.

To ensure that dLCV’s limited resources are used wisely, we adopt annual “Strategic Goals and Focus Areas” to determine the types of cases we will take.

There are several places you can reach out to for free legal information including:

Legal Aid Justice Center

Legal Aid Justice Center – The Legal Aid Justice Center provides legal services for low-income individuals in Virginia. provides legal services for low-income in their service areas.

Legal Services Corporation

Legal Services Corporation – Search for free legal clinics in your area Search for your area’s legal aid office and other regional services.

Virginia Legal Aid Society (VLAS)

Virginia Legal Aid Society (VLAS)  – VLAS provides free civil legal services to eligible low-income residents in 20 counties and six cities in Central, Southside, and Western Tidewater Virginia.  To reach the Statewide Legal Aid Helpline, call 866-LEGL-AID (1-866-534-5243).

VLAS serves these communities by providing free information, advice, and representation in such areas as housing, healthcare, income and benefits, family issues, consumer, and education.

Statewide Senior Legal Helpline

Statewide Senior Legal Helpline – The toll-free number (844-802-5910) is now available for Virginians aged 60 and older and for those calling on their behalf.

No. dLCV does not help people apply for Social Security Administration benefits (SSI or SSDI).

Social Security Self-Help

Before applying to the Social Security Administration (SSA) for social security disability benefits, you should review our publication entitled: Considering Applying for a Social Security Disability Benefit? This will help you determine if you are a good candidate for these benefits. It will also help you decide whether to apply for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and/or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and what to expect with the process.

If you are interested in applying for benefits, you can apply online, in person, or over the phone 800-772-1213 (TTY 800-325-0778).  For more information, to apply online, and to find your local SSA office, you may visit the SSA website.

You are encouraged to discuss any disagreement regarding our services with the person with whom you have been in contact, within thirty (30) days of the action with which you disagree. If that is not possible, you can ask to speak with that person’s supervisor.

If you are still dissatisfied with our response or proposed action, you may file a grievance with the Executive Director within thirty (30) days.


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