Can you help us protect the rights of Virginians with disabilities?
The disAbility Law Center of Virginia seeks to advocate for all Virginians with disabilities, but we cannot do it alone. Can you help? We need volunteer assistance in these areas:
Mental Health Advocacy
The PAIMI Advisory Council provides guidance and input about the needs of the mental health community in Virginia. Click here for more information about the PAIMI Council.
Finance and Audit Committee
Are you a CPA or accountant? Do you have other kinds of financial skills? We need your help on our Finance Committee. Click here for more information about the Finance and Audit Committee.
Staff Compensation and Benefits/Personnel Committee
If Human Resources is your thing, why not volunteer for the Staff Compensation and Benefits/Personnel Committee? Click here for more information about the Staff Compensation and Benefits/Personnel Committee.
Governance Committee
Do you have experience working with a nonprofit board? Have you ever led a hardworking committee or task force? We need your help on the Governance Committee. Click here for more information about the Governance Committee.
Public Input and Priorities Committee
Do you know how to develop surveys and analyze the responses? Do you have ideas on how to get input from different disability communities in Virginia? Click here for more information about the priorities committee.
Advocacy Volunteers
dLCV is developing a program for volunteers to provide training and advocate throughout Virginia. Click here for more information about our volunteer program.