Voting Rights

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About dLCV’s Voting Work

The disAbility Law Center of Virginia is mandated by the Help America Vote Act of 2002 (PL 107-252) to advocate for the rights of Virginia voters with disabilities under the federal law. Through this program, the disAbility Law Center

  • educates individuals, communities, poll workers and boards of election about the voting rights of people with disabilities;
  • monitors and investigates complaints about polling place accessibility and privacy;
  • collaborates with other voting rights advocates for systemic change for people with disabilities;
  • participates in the implementation of provisions of the Help America Vote Act affecting people with disabilities; and
  • assists and represents individual voters in state-based administrative grievance processes.

This section provides information about voter rights and assistance for people with disabilities.


Voting Survey

Please fill in the survey information below for each early voting location.

Helpful Links


  • Secretary of the Commonwealth: Restoration of Rights – To request your rights be restored by the Governor, you may apply online.
  • Virginia Department of Elections – To register to vote, you may apply online.  To register to vote in Virginia, you must be a U.S. citizen, a resident of Virginia, at least 18 years old by the next general election, have had voting rights restored if convicted of a felony, and have had capacity restored by court order if declared mentally incapacitated
  • Register to Vote
  • Find Your Local Dropbox – The League of Women Voters (LWV) has a virtual drop box tool where you can find a local drop off box to turn in your absentee ballot


Complaint Options

Do you have a complaint about your registration or voting experience?