Category: Legislative Highlights


March 26, 2018 – Legislative Highlights

2018 Virginia General Assembly Legislative Highlights March 26, 2018 After bills are approved by the legislature, they then go to the Governor for review.  He can sign the bill, suggest changes, or veto the bill.  If the bill was completed more than ten days before the end of session, the Governor has ten days for...

2018 General Assembly Wrap-Up

2018 General Assembly Wrap-Up

After bills are approved by the legislature, they then go to the Governor for review. He can sign the bill, suggest changes, or veto the bill.


March 9, 2018 – Legislative Highlights

2018 Virginia General Assembly Legislative Highlights March 9, 2018 The 2018 session is scheduled to conclude tomorrow, although there are reports that the session may need to be extended in order to resolve budget issues, especially surrounding the possibility of Medicaid expansion.  In the meantime, conference committees are completing their work on disputed bills.  Approved...


March 8, 2018 – Legislative Highlights

2018 Virginia General Assembly Legislative Highlights March 8, 2018 As the 2018 legislative session draws to a close, there are some bills that have made it all the way through to the Governor and have been signed into law already. One such bill is SB 287, which was offered by Senator Jennifer McClellan on behalf...


March 7, 2018 – Legislative Highlights

2018 Virginia General Assembly Legislative Highlights March 7, 2018 All legislative committees have now completed their work for this legislative session.   The 2018 session is scheduled to end on Saturday, March 10, 2018. The legislature did consider several bills that sought to keep more of Virginia’s training centers for people with intellectual disabilities open.  All...


March 2, 2018 – Legislative Highlights

2018 Virginia General Assembly Legislative Highlights March 2, 2018 Much of the committee work on bills has been completed, as the legislature intends to adjourn on Saturday, March 10th.  Here is what appears to be the near-final status of some of the bills relating to adults and children with autism. These bills are still in...


February 27, 2018 – Legislative Highlights

2018 Virginia General Assembly Legislative Highlights February 27, 2018 The 2018 General Assembly Session is scheduled to adjourn on Saturday, March 10th.  As a result, the various committees are completing their work on remaining bills this week. The legislature considered two measures that address terminating life sustaining treatment when a doctor believes such treatment is...

Rethinking School Discipline

Rethinking School Discipline

A few years back, the Center for Public Integrity authored a report on school discipline disparities among students of color and students with disabilities in Virginia and other states.


February 20, 2018 – Legislative Highlights

2018 Virginia General Assembly Legislative Highlights February 20, 2018 On Sunday, the money committee for the House and for the Senate announced their proposed amendments to the budget that had been submitted in December by then-Governor McAuliffe.  Although both packages contain some measure of support for greater medical coverage for people with disabilities, only the...