What is a Grievance?
Grievance Policy
The disAbility Law Center of Virginia advocates for the rights of persons with disabilities. Due to limited resources, it is not possible to provide legal services or direct representation to everyone who calls us for assistance. The level of advocacy services provided is based on many factors, including our current goals and focus areas, resources, and case selection criteria. While we would like to help everyone with their particular issue or concern, in some cases we may be unable to do so.
If you disagree with our decision that you are not eligible for services under one of our programs, or our decision that your case does not meet our case selection criteria, or our decision that we are unable to provide you with a specific service such as legal representation, you do have the right to file a grievance. You may also file a grievance if you believe we have not fulfilled one or more of our legal obligations.
How do I make a Grievance?
You are encouraged to discuss any disagreement regarding our services with the person with whom you have been in contact, within thirty (30) days of the action with which you disagree. If that is not possible, you can ask to speak with that person’s supervisor.
If you are still dissatisfied with our response or proposed action, you may file a grievance with the Executive Director within thirty (30) days. The grievance may be made in writing or in a format accessible to you and sent to the following address:
Executive Director
disAbility Law Center of Virginia
1512 Willow Lawn, Suite 100
Richmond, VA 23230
If you have questions about how to file a grievance or need a reasonable accommodation in filing a grievance, please call us at 1-800-552-3962, e-mail us at info@dLCV.org, or write to us at:
disAbility Law Center of Virginia
1512 Willow Lawn, Suite 100
Richmond, Virginia 23230