A Graduation to Remember

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Paving the Way to the Future!

Ethan’s parents called dLCV because their son was graduating with an advanced diploma, but he uses a power wheelchair, and the indoor stage was not accessible.  dLCV wrote to the school and found out that in order to use the ramp they wanted him to use, he would have to enter from a separate room and not the auditorium like his peers.  dLCV explained that our client had a right to access the graduation ceremony in the same way his peers did and that he had a right to “comparable experience”.

“On June 4th, Ethan graduated high school and processed across a stage with a ramp.”

His parents wrote to dLCV thanking us and stating, “We never thought we would see this day.  You paved a way for his future.”

dLCV offers information about your protected rights under Title I, II, and III of the ADA.  For more information, visit our Accessibility and Accommodation page.

Our services are free of charge.  Advocates are available on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 8:30 am – 4:00 pm. Call 1-800-552-3962 (toll-free) or 804-225-2042 to request assistance OR complete the Online Request for dLCV Services.  If you don’t speak English, we have access to a “language line” that helps us communicate with you in your own language.