Advocating for a ramp

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It’s difficult to express the value of living in an integrated community for individuals with disabilities like James, a proud father of a fifth grader.  His daughter, Mason, joined choir, and at her first tryout earned a solo in the winter concert to be held in the cafeteria.  When James visited Mason for lunch to celebrate her success, James learned that the cafeteria was not wheelchair accessible.  The only way to reach the main floor was down 3 steps.  James called dLCV for advice.

James received case services from dLCV at no cost.  Together, we advocated with James and conducted an accessibility survey of the school.

The school worked with us to make changes before the winter concert including a new ramp to the closest parking lot entrance, a stair lift to the cafeteria, and widening the cafeteria serving line.

James was thrilled to sit in the front row and hear Mason perform her solo!

Please reach out if you need help.  Advocates are available on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, between 8:30 am to 4:00 pm at no charge.  You can reach us at (800) 552-3692 or submit an online request.

For more information about self-advocacy, referrals, publications, legal counsel and representation to assist individuals with disabilities, visit our resources page.