Job Description
The disAbility Law Center of Virginia is an independent oversight and advocacy agency on behalf of people with disabilities whose mission is to protect and advance the legal, human, and civil rights of persons with disabilities, including combating and preventing abuse neglect, and discrimination, and promoting independence, choice, and self-determination by people with disabilities. The dLCV Governing Board is the principal governing body of the agency. Board members act as ambassadors of the agency and provide direction to the Executive Director through policies, strategic planning, and the budget.
The duties of a dLCV Board member are to:
- Attend all board meetings, (approximately four to six a year primarily in the Richmond area);
- Develop a strategic plan that focuses agency resources and activities and monitor progress towards those goals;
- Establish operating procedures and a mission for the agency and board;
- Hire, evaluate, and support the Executive Director;
- Monitor agency finances and assure compliance with federal and state regulations and other funding requirements; and
- Represent a positive image of dLCV, its mission, and its philosophies.
A dLCV Board member should have a personal familiarity or understanding of disability issues for persons living in the Commonwealth of Virginia; and have the time and energy to devote to playing a leadership role in dLCV’s efforts to carry out its mission including a desire to promote independence, choice, and self-determination by people with disabilities. Additionally, a member should have experience, (or desire to develop expertise) in working collectively with a large group of peers, with diverse backgrounds and expertise, to reach a consensus on key issues, including being able to delegate tasks to experienced directors and building collegiality amongst the Board.